Month: November 2014

Ferring Pharmaceuticals launches progesterone tablets as “assisted reproduction technology” agent

In view of Japan’s declining birth rate due to late marriage and birth rates decline, infertility treatment is important and “Assisted Reproductive Technology” (ART) has been positioned as an important therapy against refractory infertility. Progesterone is considered as luteal supplement, and Ferring Pharmaceuticals has obtained regulatory approval to sell 100 mg tablets from December, 2014. […]

Fuji Keizai: Japanese health food market in 2014 at 1.289 billion Yen (8,75 bill. €), 3.2 % increase over 2013

About 10 % of this market is covered by drinks related to the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, e. g. drinks (in particular teas) which lower cholesterol level or improve the level of blood sugar. For 2015, the market research institute predicts a stable market for health foods and drinks. Fuji Keizai Co.: H · B […]

Tsukuba Botanical Garden shows world’s first blue chrysanthemum, collaboration of NARO flower institute with Suntory

Similar to roses and carnations, chrysanthemums also lack a 5′-hydroxylase gene which is required to produce delphinidin from cyanidin. Researchers in NAROs Tsukuba Flower Institute introduced 5′-hydroxylase gene into chrysanthemums which was expressed in the petals resulting in delphinidin formation. In order to obtain a deep-blue color of the petals, other modifications such as allowing […]

Okayama University – RIKEN group elucidates precise 3D atomic structure of PSII

Using RIKEN’s XFEL free electron laser facilities at SACLA, the group around Jian-Ren SHEN succeeded to determine the structure of photosystem II from Thermosynechococcus vulcanus at 1.95 A resolution, elucidating the precise mechanism of the water-splitting mechanism in photosynthesis. This finding is believed to be a milestone in developing artificial systems for the conversion of […]

RIKEN team elucidates mechanism of photoresponsive amino acid production in cyanobacteria

A group around Takashi OSANAI at RIKEN Environmental Resources Science Center and Akihiko KONDO of Kobe University has clarified the role of a histidine kinase (Hik8) in Synechocystis cyanobacteria. The enzyme is involved in photoresponsive changes of metabolism, by preventing the degradation of SigE under dark conditions, and its overexpression led to less storage and […]

University of Tokyo group identify human interactive involved in influenza virus propagation

Using cell culture and immunoprecipitation, the group around Professor Yoshihiro KAWAOKA succeeded to identify key factors of the human host (“the interactome complex”) which are required to make influenza virus virulent, and the mechanisms of infection. These finding are useful to develop new therapies against influenza. JST news release, Nov. 19, 2014

University of Tokyo Dept. of Engineering submits master plan for drastic energy efficiency measures in the household sector

Intended to serve as a policy design for the improvement of energy efficiency in daily life and reduction of CO2 emissions, the study group led by the Matsuhashi Laboratory came to the conclusion that the energy consumption of private households could be lowered by about 25 % within 25 years, using a bundle of measures […]

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