Osaka University will establish “digital twin” for human organ interactions

Osaka University’s “Human Metabolic Disease Research Center” will establish a “digital twin” for organoids  created mainly from iPS cells, and their diseases.  The response of organoids to disease states will be comprehensively investigated using multi-omics analysis, single-cell analysis, quantum sensing, The bio-digital twins created will be shared by constructing a new metaverse space. The construction of the bio-digital twin will also utilize biological data from the real world, such as clinical data.

Professor Koji Soda ⻄⽥幸二教授 of Osaka University’s Graduate School of Medicine will serve as the center’s director, and approximately 20 researchers in fields such as organoids, information and mathematical sciences, quantum science, and humanities and social sciences will participate as PIs. The total number of researchers in the center is expected to be 100 to 150. The disease areas will include (1) retinal and optic nerve degenerative diseases, (2) osteoarthritis, (3) heart failure, (4) non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), (5) hepatocellular carcinoma, (6) Alzheimer’s disease, (7) infertility, (8) short stature, and (9) chondroplasia. The center is looking to create an initial disease model by about 2027 and a complete disease model by about 2032. In addition, they hope to create an inter-organ network model by 2032.


Osaka University will establish “digital twin” for human organ interactions
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