Day: 8. August 2018

Ajinomoto introduces health app with photographic meal recognition based on AI

The app カラダわかるNavi („understand your body“) requests to enter daily diet and exercise records on a smartphone, then evaluates calorie intake and nutritional balance and provides advices on meal improvement and best time for next meal. Meal composition is analyzed by recognizing the menu (about 250 kinds) and AI-based automatic analysis of food components. Meal […]

Japanese startup develops simple cancer pre-diagnosis using C. elegans, raises 1.4 billion yen (11 million €)

The N-NOSE test developed by Takuya HIROZU monitors if C. elegans roundworms evade or come closer to a drop of urine obtained from a test person. C. elegans has significantly more smell receptors than dogs and evades healthy urine but not the urine of cancer patients. In tests so far an accuracy of over 95 […]

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