Day: 26. January 2016

Whole genome sequencing of Chlorella high in oil elucidates oil-producing mechanism

A group around Shigeyuki KAWANO at the University of Tokyo has carried out whole genome sequencing, transcriptomic analysis and metabolic map construction of Parachlorella kessleri, an algae which can produce starch or oil. From transcriptome and microstructure analysis, autophagy has been implicated as a major for oil accumulation in Chlorella JST news release, January 16, […]

Chemical synthesis of 5 EPO glycoforms reveals structure-activity relationship of sugar chains

A team around Yasuhiro KAJIHARA of Osaka University has coupled six synthetic glycopeptides with different glycosylation patterns and arrived at five functional and correctly folded EPO glycoforms. Experiments on in vivo erythropoiesis in mice showed that biological activity is different in all glycoforms, providing information about the most important structural features, thus paving the way […]

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