Day: 13. January 2011

MedGEL Co., メドジェル

[link|324|MedGel website] is a privately-held RD company started in 2004 as a spin-off from Kyoto University. The company sells materials for animal tissue culture and is involved in tests on drug delivery systems. Capital is 100 million Yen (~ 900 T€). Chairman is Dr Tomohiko ASAHARA.

Hiroshima Biomedical Co, 広島バイオメディカル

[link|313|Hiroshima Biomedical Co website] is a startup company located in Hiroshima. The company was founded in 2007 as a spin-off of Hiroshima University. It develops and sells chicken monoclonal antibodies, transgenic chicken and eggs. Capital is 10 million Yen (~ 89.000 €). It is located in the Hiroshima University Industry Cooperation Center and has 5 […]

Japan Bioindustry Association (JBA), バイオインダストリー協会

[link|310|Japan Bioindustry Association website] is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of bioscience, biotechnology and bioindustry located in Tokyo. It was established through the support and cooperation of industry, academia, and government (METI). President is Mr. Osamu NAGAYAMA (President of Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.), Chairman is Dr. Hiroshi HARADA (Professor emeritus, University of Tsukuba). Executive […]

ReqMed Co., レクメド

[link|308|ReqMed website] was founded, in 1998, by Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. and Mr Tadashi MATSUMOTO to facilitate pharmaceutical companies in creating strategic alliances with innovative bio-pharmaceutical companies. In 1999, ReqMed became independent from Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. In 2000, Life Science Venture Fund (LSVF I), the first Japanese investment fund specializing in biotechnology, was created. […]

NanoCarrier Co., ナノキャリア

[link|303|NanoCarrier website] is a startup company in Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture. The focus is on micellar nanoparticles as drug carriers. Established in 1996, the capital is ~ 2,7 billion Yen (~ 24 million €). The company has 27 employees. President and CEO is Dr Ichiro NAKATOMI.

Japan Tissue Engineering Co. (J-Tec), ジャパン・ティッシュ・エンジニアリング

[link|292|Japan Tissue Engineering website] is a bio-venture enterprise located in Gamagori, Aichi Prefecture. It was founded in 1999 and has a capitalization of ~ 7,7 billion yen (~ 70 million €). The focus of J-Tec is on R and D, manufacture, and import/export of cultured human and other skin, cartilage, and bone. J-Tec has ~ […]

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