Day: 3. November 2010

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), 農林水産省、農林省

[link|120|MAFF homepage]comprehensively undertakes administration related to agricultural, forestry and fisheries products. This covers production, consumption, rural development and promotion of the welfare of rural inhabitants with a view to achieve stable supply of food, sound development of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and upgrading of the welfare of rural inhabitants.

Science Council of Japan, 日本学術会議

[link|117|Science Council website]The Science Council of Japan was established in January 1949 as a special organization” under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the field of science, and having science reflected in and permeated into administration, industries and people’s lives. Its two functions are

Mitsubishi Chemical, 三菱化学

[link|108|Mitsubishi Chemical homepage]Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation is a company based in Tokyo. Sales are on performance products (e. g., display and optical recording materials), healthcare products (e.g., active pharmaceutical ingredients, diagnostic reagents and instruments, DNA chips and microarrays), and industrial materials (petrochemicals, C4-chemicals, carbon materials, polymers). Capital is 50 billion Yen ( ~444 million €), net […]

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