Calpis doubles production capacity for Calsporin, a B. subtilis livestock probiotic, in new US facility

Calpis America to complete new plant in Georgia by the end of 2013 and start production in early 2014. The operation will include 43 employees. Calsporin are Bacillus subtilis C-3102 spores (Bs) which are added to poultry diets to maintain normal intestinal microflora and support live performance. The proposed mode of action is that Bs spores vegetate and use oxygen, creating a more anaerobic condition which promotes proliferation of lactic acid producing bacteria (e.g., Lactobacilli). Besides inhibiting certain pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella), this condition appears to increase utilization of calcium.

Calpis press release, Nov. 2, 2012

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