A novel yeast species, Hanseniaspora drosophilae sp. nov., from Okinawa



A new yeast species, Hanseniaspora drosophilae sp. nov., was discovered in Okinawan fruit flies, and its characteristics are different from related species.

Yeasts of the genus Hanseniaspora have an apiculate (lemon-shaped) cell morphology, are often found in grape juice before fermentation, and are used in winemaking. Research on interactions with insects has also been conducted, but many aspects of their evolutionary diversity and the details of their interactions with insects remain unclear.

The discovery of a new yeast species is an interesting achievement from the perspectives of ecology and industrial applications. Its new characteristics, such as high-temperature resistance, antibacterial activity, and ability to utilize sucrose (cane sugar) and raffinose as nutrients, are expected to be used in the fields of fermented foods and medicines.

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