Kenji MIYATTI of the University of Yamanashi and colleagues have developed a high performance non-fluorine-based electrolyte membrane for fuel cells based on polyphenylene electrolyte (SPP – QP). The membrane has excellent chemical durability and provides fuel cells with initial power generation characteristics equivalent to those of current fluorinated electrolyte membranes. At present, fluorinated electrolyte membranes are widely used in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), but supply gas permeability, environmental compatibility, and cost are a challenge. New materials development is driven by METI’s plan to expand the use of fuel cell vehicles (FCV) to about 800,000 units by 2030, and NEDO’s requirements for an output density or 4 kW/L or more per fuel cell stack, with a durability of 50,000 hours or more.
NEDO news release, October 26, 2017