Shionogi and Co, 塩野義製薬

[link|210|Shionogi website] is a pharmaceutical company with headquarter in Osaka. Established in 1878 and incorporated in 1919, capital is ~ 21,3 billion Yen (~ 187 million €). Consolidated net sales in FY2009 were ~ 278,5 billion Yen (~ 2,45 billion €), and the number of employees was 5.486 (consolidated). President and Representative Director is Dr Isao TESHIROGI. Shionogi has foreign affiliations in Taiwan and the USA. Among the affiliations in Japan are [b]Shionogi Pharma Chemicals Co.[/b] in Tokushima, Shikoku, a manufacturer of pharmaceutical raw materials, [b]Shionogi Analysis Center Co.[/b] in Osaka, a company for contract testing of pharmaceuticals, [b]Shionogi Engineering Service Co.[/b] in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, an engineering company for pharmaceutical facilities, and [b]Saishin Igaku Co.[/b] in Osaka, a publisher of medical literature.
[file|47|Shionogi Annual Report FY2009]

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