NEDO projects, 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構

[link|86|NEDO projects] the New Energy and Technology Development Organization under METI, is Japan’s public management organization promoting research, development and dissemination of industrial, energy and environmental technologies.

Project themes comprise
1.Electronics and Information Technology
2.Machinery Systems Technology
3.Aircraft and Space Technologies
4.Nanotechnology and Materials Technology
5.Biotechnology and Medical Technology
6. Chemical Substance Management
7. Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies
8.Energy and Environment Technologies
9.Proposal-based Research and Development
10.Industry/Academia Collaboration and Personnel Training
11.Surveys, Research Evaluation, and Other Activities

Projects, which usually are scheduled for 3 – 5 years, are mostly carried out by research associations”, comprising national research centers, university groups and companies in public-private partnership.

NEDO projects, 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
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