Teijin Ltd., 帝人

[link|69|Teijin Website]is an Osaka-based public company active in a wide range of business areas, including synthetic fibers, films and plastics, pharmaceuticals and home health care, trading and retail, and IT. [img|71|Teijin Sales]
President and CEO is Mr. Shigeo Ohyagi.
In FY2009, net sales were 765,8 billion Yen (~ 6.1 bill. €).
Teijin is a multinational conglomerate of ~150 companies. In FY2009, 60 % of net sales were done in Japan, 20 % in emerging markets/Asia and 20 % in USA/Europe. [link|68|Teijin AR FY2010]
Consolidated number of employees in FY2009 was ~ 18.780.

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