Kobe initiates on Port Island demonstration test of a thermoelectric power supply system by hydrogen
In the NEDO project, Obayashi Corporation and Kawasaki Heavy Industries
In the NEDO project, Obayashi Corporation and Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Terumo’s product name is Medisafe With”, weighs 34 g and
Masayo Takahashi is project leader at RIKEN’s Center for Developmental
The technology allows to use garbage from disposal facilities without
As announced by Makoto NISHIGUCHI of the laboratory’s Tree Molecular
The group of Yasuaki URANO at the University of Tokyo
Most search engine technologies based on drones use cameras which
As a result of JST’s ERATO „SATO Live Bio-Forecasting Project“,
The technology allows to use garbage from disposal facilities without
The JST-/AMED-funded consortium consortium consisting of Helios, Kuraray, Ajinomoto, Nikon,