RIKEN team improve structural analysis of proteins by scattering refinement software
Koji YONEKURA and colleagues at RIKEN’s SPring-8 center have developed
Koji YONEKURA and colleagues at RIKEN’s SPring-8 center have developed
HiPep Research Co., a peptide-based company in Kyoto, has spun-out
By the end of 2015, Japan’s total installed capacity was
The group of Daisuke YAMADA and colleagues at RIKEN’s Life
The group of Keiji NUMATA at RIKEN tested a number
The material is based on cellulose resins from selected grasses
The palm-size sensor developed by the team of TANICHI Masako
The program is scheduled for 5 years, starting July 2016,
According to a spokesman, GMP manufacturing scale has now reached
The group around Yuta SUZUKI built a high-speed stimlated Raman